
Sex education is a legal requirement in almost all EU countries, but the content and quality vary. According to the report “Policies for sex education in the EU” of the European Parliament (2013), the Nordic countries and Benelux have sex education of the highest quality, while the states of eastern and southern Europe have poor or non-existent programs.

Although sex education is integrated into the school curriculum in Greece, Spain and Croatia, it is rarely implemented. In addition, according to the School Education Gateway survey on sex education (2019), most teachers, parents and institutions support sex education in schools, however there is no support for educators to manage information and education is limited to human body and its development. We intend to respond to the PROPOSAL FOR A RESOLUTION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, on the situation of health and sexual and reproductive rights in the Union, within the framework of women’s health (2019/2165 (INI), in the section that promotes comprehensive sexuality education for the benefit of young people, urging Member States to ensure access to comprehensive and scientifically correct sexuality education for all primary and secondary school students, in line with WHO standards and that is the added that our project contributes to the EU, providing digital material and adequate training
for this sexual education of young people.

It is proposed in relation to comprehensive sexuality education and services that take into account the needs of young people, highlighting the participation of young people, in cooperation with other stakeholders such as their families, in the development, application and evaluation of programs is essential for the effectiveness of a comprehensive sexual education, thus from our active participation of young people in our project and the inclusion of families, we
add value and response to the EU, while we respond with our multidimensional consortium to formal education ( University and Institute) and non-formal education (Associations).


We are going to carry out a research work on the information on sexual education that our general impact group has (young people from 13 to 18 years old), at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of our project, with the aim of knowing the point of initial departure, the impact of our activities on the process of our project and the impact of our activities on the results of the project.


We will create an interactive platform, in which all the agents involved in our project will collaborate, from sexologists, team doctors, educators, families and young people that should serve as an example of good habits in the affective-sexual relationship that involve healthy behaviors in relationships sexual behavior among young people, with the aim of establishing behaviors that help prevent the appearance of sexist behaviors, which lead to future gender violence.


The young people who take part in our project will perform rap rhymes in which prevention and warning messages are launched, in the face of measures that can be considered as gender violence, related issues such as jealousy, possession, verbal violence, loss of self-esteem, etc. These rhymes will be organized and will result in a video clip, each rhyme will be accompanied by a dance, collecting all the rhymes and dances, for the development of a video clip that helps to raise awareness and disseminate the reality of our project.


We are going to create four teaching modules in which we can train and qualify educators in the fields of formal and non-formal teaching.

Final product

Finally we are going to record a final product, in which we will diversify our tasks, in relation to using different work tools in order to summarize aspects related to the problems of our project, relaunching the leading role of young people, who are an active part and target group of our summary materials:


Community theater

 Escape Room, with questions and answers about sex education.

Creation of a podcast on sexual education in the family environment.